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Frequent travellers know how to organise a trip abroad efficiently and hardly ever get stressed when they leave. In this section, find out how to organise your trip abroad efficiently, so that you don't forget anything and, above all, can enjoy this incredible adventure.
Some destinations are more risky than others, that is undeniable. The risks when travelling to Spain or Libya are radically different. There are two factors to consider here:
Before making a final choice of destination, consider consulting the Ministry’s website to acquire some essential information. Even if it is sometimes too pessimistic, it gives you a good overview of the situation in a country.
In general, to enter a country, a foreigner must have :
Then, for those who stay after a certain period (03-06 months), they must in principle be in possession of a residence permit. This document allows them to move freely throughout the country. Hence the residence permit valid for ten years; the temporary residence permit for a maximum of one year. All these documents are a kind of shield against unexpected and sometimes inconceivable extradition.